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11th Sundance Virtual 5K Run ★ 1 Mile Walk & Sashay! (Aug 30 - Sept 7)

Sundance Racing festival

Monday, September 7, 2020 - 11:59pm

Last Name First Name Bib Gender Age Event
Broccolino Anita 10 F 52 Sundance 1 mile 
Cannon Pam 14 F 60 Sundance 1 mile 
Hayes Daniel 15 M 64 Sundance 1 mile 
Ohle Donna 32 F 64 Sundance 1 mile 
Sinclair Leslie 12 F 65 Sundance 1 mile 
Sophos John Michael 13 M 73 Sundance 1 mile 
Thompson Mark 36 M 54 Sundance 1 mile 
Woods Debbie 11 F 66 Sundance 1 mile 
Borda Dominic 10 M 37 Sundance 5K Run
Boyd Jane 11 F 55 Sundance 5K Run
Castillo Roxy 12 F 48 Sundance 5K Run
Clark Robin 13 F 52 Sundance 5K Run
Colvin Margaret 14 F 59 Sundance 5K Run
Dominik Cindy 15 F 57 Sundance 5K Run
Eller Karen 16 F 41 Sundance 5K Run
Engelhart Eric 43 M 55 Sundance 5K Run
Fitzsimmons Keven 17 M 58 Sundance 5K Run
Frekko Reid 53 M 41 Sundance 5K Run
Gaggiotti Susan 18 F 64 Sundance 5K Run
Garvey Ann 42 F 56 Sundance 5K Run
HAUT Cathy 44 F 64 Sundance 5K Run
JOHNSON LAURENE 19 F 49 Sundance 5K Run
Keenan Maureen 20 F 64 Sundance 5K Run
Knestis Kirk 21 M 59 Sundance 5K Run
Kwit Joey 22 M 46 Sundance 5K Run
Marchioni Alicia 46 F 36 Sundance 5K Run
Marchioni Nina 48 F 67 Sundance 5K Run
Mayer Christian 47 M 29 Sundance 5K Run
McArthur William 23 M 80 Sundance 5K Run
Mckenzie Shannon 24 F 41 Sundance 5K Run
Mease James 36 M 70 Sundance 5K Run
Migone Celina 25 F 40 Sundance 5K Run
Milnes Laurie 26 F 57 Sundance 5K Run
Miniscalco Linda 27 F 69 Sundance 5K Run
Moore Teri 28 F 65 Sundance 5K Run
Murray Deb 29 F 49 Sundance 5K Run
Murray Jennifer 30 F 46 Sundance 5K Run
Neitzey Karen 50 F 56 Sundance 5K Run
Ocone Georgette 31 F 72 Sundance 5K Run
Quillen Alan 33 M 65 Sundance 5K Run
Quirk Rory 32 M 76 Sundance 5K Run
Sewell Molly 34 F 47 Sundance 5K Run
Simon Alyssa 52 F 47 Sundance 5K Run
Szczepkowski Joann 35 F 74 Sundance 5K Run
Tracey Peter 45 M 60 Sundance 5K Run
Voicheck Lisa 37 F 53 Sundance 5K Run
Voicheck Mark 38 M 62 Sundance 5K Run
Waldee-Warden Lori 39 F 56 Sundance 5K Run
Waldee-Warden Sandra 40 F 52 Sundance 5K Run
Westlund Rochelle 49 F 38 Sundance 5K Run
Wheeler Hayden 54 M 13 Sundance 5K Run
Young Tim 41 M 60 Sundance 5K Run
Zalenski Donald 51 M 74 Sundance 5K Run




11th Sundance Racing Festival: ★ Rehoboth 5K Run ★ S.E. 1 Mile walk and Sashay!


In response to COVID-19, the CAMP Rehoboth and Seashore Striders has modified our annual running festival. 


To continue to practice social distancing and safety measures and to ensure the safety of volunteers, sponsors, participants and spectators we are holding our 11th annual Sundance racing festival virtually. This gives participants the ability to run their race at their convenience and in a location of their choice. The event will take place (virtually) August 30th-September 5th. The 5K will be virtual and we have cancelled the biathlon and ½ mile swim. 


Some runners have indicated that they are unable to run using masks (possibly even dangerous to do so), and as most of you are aware, Rehoboth Beach requires the wearing of masks in the city limits. 


While we encourage safe group activity, please keep in mind the importance of social distancing while protecting yourself from the effects of overheating in high outdoor temperatures while wearing a mask. It’s important to that we all stay safe, stay healthy and stay connected. Through Seashore Striders virtual 5K we can do all of those!


Feel free to post your pics, including running and walking on the Seashore Striders Facebook page. 




Select from:

★ Virtual 5K run or walk anywhere you would like to complete it  

★ Sleepwalker (donate, and sleep-in)

★ Event premium will be a 30 x 60 beach towel  



Sunday August 30th at 12:01 am through Saturday, September 5th at 11:59 pm...1 full week to complete the Sundance event. 


Proceeds will support the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center. Visit CAMP Rehoboth at

Towels for all registered participants will be available for pickup at the conclusion of the Sundance festival  details will be posted.


For sponsorship opportunities,  to volunteer, or for more information, contact us at







Standard Registration 

Note: Event Premiums While Supplies Last


Sleepwalker Donation (Receive Premium)



$30 Sleepwalker Registration Option: Donate. If you'd rather dream about virtual running, and stay in bed, no sweat, and contribute to the good work of CAMP Rehoboth Community Center. Sleepwalkers, if you don’t want to walk or run – come by to cheer on the runners and join us for a great after party!




Overall and masters receive trophies, age group receive medals

5K Run/walk presenting to male and female:

★Top ‘overall’ in 5K, ★Top 'master' in 5K, ★Top three finishers in  9 &U - 80 &O in 5K – in age groups

Race Director: 

Tim Bamforth- Seashore Striders