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16th April Fools Prediction Run (Cape Henlopen State Park, Fishing Pier, Lewes, DE)

Sunday, March 28, 2010 - 10:00am

April Fools Run is unique challenge

The 16th annual April Fools Day Run will take place Sunday, March 28, at Cape Henlopen State Park, leaving the fishing pier at 10 a.m. The event has been named "the prediction challenge" as the course takes you on a beautiful 2- to 5-mile journey through Cape Henlopen State Park on the following surfaces: bike path, sand, road, dirt, sand, grass and more sand! If you're looking for even splits, a personal record, or mile markers, you'd better stay sleeping!   If you are looking for even splits, a personal record, or mile markers- stay home! If you're looking for a challenging course, a great workout, and a good time, we will see you on the starting line. Plenty of unique surfaces will challenge you throughout


Sunday March 28, 2010    10:00 am (Rain, Shine, Snow??)


Fishing Pier; Cape Henlopen State Park;  Lewes, DE


$15.00 pre-registration fee through Friday

$20.00 race day registration from - 9:00 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.


The April Fools Day Run (course map) (2 to 5 miles) & Walk (1 to 3 miles) take you on a beautiful journey through Cape Henlopen State Park. (ps did you just check the map? did I fool you?)

Qualifier for:

6-Pack Trail Series in Cape Henlopen State Park


Awards presented to the Overall & Master Champions, as well as to the top three finishers, in the following nine age groups: 9 & U, 10-13, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & over.


Traditional April Fools duffel bags (no T-shirts) will go to the first 80 registered participants. Miles not marked, but plenty of them, digital display clock with incorrect time, , possible water stop between the start and the finish.. timing and finish line by Seashore Striders Race Production, Inc., post race award ceremony and refreshments at Fishing Pier.


parking at Fishing pier, Cape Henlopen State Park

Registration On-Line:

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By Mail:

Application attached

Make Checks Payable to: Seashore Striders

Mail entry form and payment to:

April Fools Run

P.O. Box 99;

Nassau, DE 19969

Race Director:

Tim Bamforth - Seashore Striders Race Productions, (302) 644-8952, email:


Will be available on the Seashore Striders website

See you at this fun, unique event!
