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1st Annual Delaware State Police Camp Barnes 5k Run/Walk & kid's fun run
Sunday, April 17, 2011 - 10:00am
COURSE- The link to view your saved route is:
WHEN: 5K/1 Mile Walk Sunday, April 17th 2011 at 10:00 AM. Kids Fun Run at 9:45.
(Rain or Shine)
WHERE: Assawoman Wildlife Refuge at Camp Barnes
Address: 37171 Camp Barnes Rd. Frankford, De 19945
DESCRIPTION: A beautiful 5K/1.24 (2K) walk though the Assawoman Wildlife Refuge on
country roads and scenic trails. Kids Run will be held inside Camp Barnes.
REGISTRATION: 5K/1 Mile Walk-$20 Pre-registration thru April 14th, 2011. CLICK HERE to Register online at
or register by mail by downloading application from website.
Kids Fun Run $10 (no shirt but awards and lunch)
$25 Race Day registration from 8:30 to 9:50.
AWARDS: Presented to Overall and Master Champions, as well as, the Top 3 in nine age groups.
Awards to all kids who participate in the Fun Run.
AMENITIES: Long sleeve T-shirts guaranteed to all Pre-registered participants in the 5K and 1 Mile
Walk. Water Stops and post event lunch for all registered participants. Lunch is also
available for all non-participants. FEE: Adults $5. Children $3 (12 and under)
Please make check payable to: Camp Barnes 5K
Mail Entry To:
Delaware State Police/Troop 4
Attn: Detective Jeff Hudson
23652 Shortly Rd.
Georgetown, De 19947