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Footloose Freddogg ~ Run For Education







The Run From Education "Five and Time" what used to be called the "Woolworth Double" in the Olympics was run from the soon to be demolished Cape Henlopen High School last Sunday April 19 and everyone dressed for summer a day late.

Saturday was balmy beautiful perfect weather but by Sunday as all of us who skipped church for bagel bits and orange wedges became aware the weather turned more "seaside seasonal."

I was also aware that an organization called CHEF could not entice another organization called CHEA to come out and support the race I guess because the teachers association hasn't supported an educational initiative all year-see two failed referendums-plus the last day of spring vacation makes all school buildings "No Fly no Cry" zones for many teachers.

The 10k race was won by 32 year old Matt Green, a Physicians Assistant from Salisbury who ran the 3000 meter Steeplechase while a collegiate runner at Maryland. "That's a long way off,"Green said after the race. "Now I just run a few days a week to keep in shape."

Ryan Winters 22 stationed with the Coast Guard in Wachapreague the flounder fishing capitol of the world-you think long distance running is boring trying bouncing bait off the bottom in a drifting boat- won the 5k race.

Jen Novak looked strong as the first woman to cross in the 10k race.

Shoeless Bob Sanders ran the 10k race and everyone wanted to know if he was some whack job seeking attention-like the rest of us- or if there was sound reasoning behind a Feat that would hobble the herd and throw new balance out of balance.

'Shoes cause knee problems, 'Sanders said. "I've been running with shoes for three years and I've never cut my foot."

Sanders also admitted to being married three times so sometimes running shoeless is the quickest way to exit stage left.

The 7th L.D.A.F. Run For Autism ½ Marathon, 5K run, 5K walk, & Kiddie Race (CHHS, Lewes, DE) is Sunday April 26. This is an event begging for a shorter title and is always well attended sometimes providing complimentary and uncomplimentary rub downs and free advice from licensed and unlicensed physical therapist. "You need some core strengthening. Put the pork roll bagel down and step into the chair lift."

correction: Bob sanders said,"I've been running without shoes for three years. I have with shoes which is obviously not an interesting tidbit at all

Sunday, April 19, 2009